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How to Localize the Visitor Management App

Localizing your visitor management kiosk can be accomplished through i18n localization files.

These are pasted into your display configuration and override the default language strings used in the app.

The process generally follows the same process as localizing a Meeting Room display, and you can read more about it here, to use as an example: How to Localize your Meeting Room 365 Display

Visitor Management Kiosk i18n File (English, Default)

	"welcome_to": "Welcome to",
	"sign_in": "Sign In",
	"cancel": "Cancel",
	"agreement": "Agreement",
	"agree": "Agree",
	"signature": "Signature",
	"sign_below": "Sign in the area below",
	"clear_form": "Clear Form",
	"i_agree": "I Agree",
	"thanks_for_checking_in": "Thanks for Checking in!",
	"you_are_good_to_go": "The Agreement has been signed and you have been checked in. You"re good to go!",
	"you_signed_on": "You signed an agreement on",
	"with": "with",
	"sent_copy_by_email": "We've sent you a copy via email.",
	"name": "Name",
	"email_address": "Email Address",
	"done": "Done",
	"full_name": "Full Name",
	"contact_person": "Contact Person / Host",
	"message_optional": "Message (optional)",
    "error_must_sign": "Please provide a signature first.",
    "error_generic": "There was an issue, please try again.",
    "error_incomplete_form": "Please complete the form to continue."

Simply modify the strings on the right (not the left), to create your own custom i18n translation.

Once you modify the above snippet, you can paste it in your display configuration under i18n to override the strings being used by the visitor management kiosk.

Updated on: 16/10/2019

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